The most awaited and first phone with the upcoming new generations, Snapdragon 8 Gen2 chipset was all set to launch on 1st December in china. But, today a rumor surfaced online that, the Xiaomi 13 Series smartphones launch date has been postponed in china!
Apart from that, The iQOO 11 series, which was scheduled to debut on December 2, will also be delayed. Both companies have yet to announce alternative handset launch dates.
Meanwhile, Xiaomi has revealed a few more details about the upcoming Xiaomi 13 series, including the Xiaomi 13 Pro’s Sony IMX989 1-inch image sensor.
Xiaomi 13 Series Phone Posponded
Xiaomi has officially shared a post on Weibo Media and stated that the Xiaomi 13 Expected launch date has been postponed. According to rumors, the alter phone will be available before the upcoming 13 Series.
The Xiaomi 13 Pro will have a Sony IMX989 1-inch main image sensor that has been optimized for Leica. Meanwhile, both Xiaomi 13 series phones will come equipped with a 75mm Leica telephoto lens with an f/2.0 aperture.
These phones will have a nano-leather exterior that is resistant to wear, discoloration, and dirt. Furthermore, the Xiaomi 13 is dust and water-resistant, with an IP68 rating.