After the channel, announcements, and group improvements, WhatsApp seems to introduce a new UI for Android users. It will be different from old skin. Even somewhere WhatsApp beta testers started getting these features and we caught screenshots here.
WhatsApp New UI Rolling Out!
According to the report, WhatsApp is redesigning the entire WhatsApp home and chat screens. As we can see in the screenshots, it appears unlike anything we’ve seen in any messaging app before. WhatsApp has already released a new and redesigned user interface (UI) for beta testers in the update.
Apart from that, it resulted in the modern Icons, options & even tab layout direction being changed to the bottom while the app’s new theme color Shining Green looks awesome.
The tab is changed to the bottom and the fantastic thing is when you change the next tab, the Icon color hues green.
As per the survey, the Bottom Tab and options are so easy for users that they are considering this and changing its layout to improve user experience.
Lastly, the app introduced the AI Stickers, Chats, and Photorealistic Image Generation features to the public but they haven’t talked about changing the UI skin. Now A question arises, Should this new UI also come to iOS?
There are no confirmations but they always look to give a premium user experience, If they introduce this for Android then possibly in the upcoming few months these features will also be accessible for iOS, many times we have seen that.
Additionally, Whats App is also experimenting with the Latest icons for the share sheet menu, featuring more vibrant colors and a brand-new group chat event function.
This feature will assist you in organizing events within your groups, making it easier to stay updated on occasions involving all group members.